
Raid shadow legends fusion guide
Raid shadow legends fusion guide

raid shadow legends fusion guide raid shadow legends fusion guide

After that, get about 25% of them to level 30. Just add your Blue Shards to the 3-star champion count. You want to have a ton of 3-star champions. Whenever you have it available, farm fodder Champions. You will get a free x2 XP every 5 days.You want to keep all of them for the fusion events. You will receive a ton of XP Brews, Gems, Shards, Books, everything here. Attack the Brutal boss as well if you can. Get the final chest of Ultra-Nightmare and Nightmare Clan Boss every day.Sometimes I even keep them in my inbox for 80+ days before actually using them.

raid shadow legends fusion guide

Otherwise, only open them when they are about to expire. They will help you a lot as you need a lot of Energy to finish Dungeon Driver events. Stock up the free Energy you get every day and just don’t open them.Sigmund the Highshield Fusion Guide Before The Fusion Event Starts

Raid shadow legends fusion guide